Thursday, 11 July 2019

The Parents Trap

I write poetry as a form of personal expression. They come from personal experiences and observing life around me. From time to time I will be posting my work here.

This first one concerns over-caring parents, who fail to allow their offspring to grow and develop. Parents - always believe in your kids. This is autobiographical, but could apply to many people out there who have been failed in this way by their parents.

You didn't make it easy for me
You didn't want me to be myself
You didn't want me with long hair
You didn't want to see my flair
You tried to squeeze out 
My sense of self belief
Cos you never seemed to show
That self belief

Absent from my childhood
Absent from my teens
In my 30's I came to find my voice
As I whispered my name a little
Now I can see the pain you have caused
The suffering that occurred and still continues
The failed childhood
No sex or proper development
All because you refused to believe

Yet I know you didn't cause this purposefully
You failed in this way
But in others you succeeded
My success hasn't occurred
Because it was blocked
Blocked by you
Will it ever happen?
Certainly it will not happen because of you
Maybe despite it

You, who have damaged my self esteem
Damaged my sense of dignity in this world
Your embrace of psychiatric intervention
Is the substitute for your embrace
Of my self worth
You are too ready to believe others, 
People you don't know
Over your own son
That is a mark of disrespect
That you chose to disbelieve
That you chose to bypass my heart
And judge only my mind

Your upbringing must have been part of this
Your blindness to emotion must stem from your own pain
You say I have 'suffered' 
But know not the origins of this 'suffering'
I say you are both the ones who were and are in pain here
You have failed to see the beauty in the hearts of some of your children
You have examined the mantelpiece
But conveniently ignored the fire burning brightly below
Is it too late for you to receive help?
For you to see the harm you have caused

Again I don't blame you
But really who can be responsible for the children's development if not the parents?
So you are the ones who have caused this pain
This pain which I now have to explain
Lack of self belief is a dangerous disease
It is a seed that can grow into a weed
That satisfies a creed
But why was this let happen?

Your blindness to emotion has led me into the arms of the psychiatric profession
Who only know to medicate
So I will dedicate myself to renovating my life
In whatever way I can
To show you how I am
To show you what I can achieve and what you missed
Outside your grip
Away from your gaze
No longer will I tell
No longer will I waste my time
Trying to discuss
Cos this only leads to fuss
No more of that
From now on I will be me!

© Iano, 2019

Organic Vibes 05.03.2025 PLAY LIST AUGUSTUS PABLO - East of the River Nile/Intro MDOU MOCTAR - Sousou...